The policy of Al Shaheen Technical Contracting Co. is to conduct our construction business by paying necessary attention to the demands of Health, Safety and Environmental protection stipulated in several acts, regulations and provisions in general as well as to any contractual requirements. We, at Al Shaheen are committed to achieve excellence in building structures, which are not only safe for use, but also have been produced without compromising on HSE standards.
QHSE Policy
Al-Shaheen’s team at all levels shall endeavor to ensure the satisfaction of all customers by providing the best value in every service by recognizing that Quality, Health, Safety, Environment and Community responsibilities are an integral part of our operations.
We shall achieve this by:
- Establishing and reviewing QHSE objectives and targets.
- Developing and implementing management structures and procedures.
- Monitoring, evaluating and continually improving our QHSE performance.
- Recognizing that QHSE is everyone’s direct responsibility.
- Continually enhancing awareness, skills and systems efficiency.
- Participating in product and process improvement initiatives, risk mitigation and prevention measures.
- Making each team member accountable for QHSE matters.
- Meeting all internal and external commitments.
- Abiding by the applicable legal framework requirements related to QHSE.
- Ensuring that the QHSE systems of our suppliers and subcontractors are compatible with our own commitments.
- Communicating this policy to all stakeholders, providing training and encouraging behavior that upholds this policy.